Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Lady Elizabeth Hastings

CE VA Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. School Dinners

School Dinners



Menu - Feb to Jul 25


 Please note - Lunch Club is now only available on THURSDAY's (roast dinner day)



Children in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to free school dinners through the universal free school dinner scheme.

At Lady Elizabeth Hastings our school dinner's are provided by Leeds Catering. 

School dinners cost £2.75 per meal / £13.75 per week and can be paid for on SchoolGrid

(Please Note - if your child wants to change from dinners to bringing a packed lunch Leeds Catering requires 2 weeks notice due to food orders already made. Thank you)

Leeds Catering Website

Kitchen Supervisor Standards for School Food Plan

LEH Water Bottle Policy

LEH Packed Lunch Policy



Kitchen Supervisor Standards for School Food Plan Jan 2015