We value the strong relationship we have with our parents and we work in partnership to ensure that each child has a positive, valuable experience whilst at our school. Our door is always open and we welcome all comments made.
All parents automatically belong to LEAP (a Friends Association rather than a traditional Parents Association). Close home links are maintained and LEAP is active in running fund-raising and social events that directly support the school's work.
Parents are also very supportive of all school life. We actively encourage parents to help in school on a regular basis where possible, strengthening their partnership with the school. Parents often help with art activities, hearing readers, supporting sporting activities and school trips as well as activities in the class.
We believe that a mutually supportive home/school relationship will help ensure your child is happy and successful at Lady Elizabeth Hastings Church of England Primary School. Your interest and involvement allows your child to develop and grow in confidence, knowing that people who care are working together for his/her benefit. We hope the Weekly Newsletters, ClassDojo, Celebration Assemblies and of course, your children, keep you up to date with the day to day learning and caring that goes on in our wonderful, village school but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns, however small.
LEH staff are approachable and willing to discuss any concerns you may have about your child. However, mornings are particularly busy for staff as they need to ensure that learning begins as soon as children enter the classroom. For this reason, Mrs Vignes will be at the front of school to talk to you, both at the beginning and at the end of the school day, unless unavoidably detained. If a more formal, confidential meeting is needed, please make an appointment via the school office or in writing to the Headteacher so we can ensure more detailed conversations are given the time they deserve.
Supporting Families