School Session Times :-
Arrive: 8.35 - 8.40am Pick up: 3.15pm
Pupil Absence: 01977 557758 (then press 1 to leave a message)
Please ring school each day to notify us (unless you have stated a specific number of days).
We require daily calls to ensure your child is safe.
Breakfast Club (7.30am - 8.40am) and After School Club (3.15pm - 6pm)
LEH Breakfast Club and After School Club - Tel 07562525664 or email childcare@lehledston.co.uk
Is your child due to start Reception in 2025?
Click here to have a look around the Ark!
A quick guide to school admissions (video)
If you have any admissions enquiries about your allocated place,
please contact: startingprimary@leeds.gov.uk
Lady Elizabeth Hastings Church of England Primary School - 01977557758 | office@lehledston.co.uk
LEH Breakfast Club and After School Club - 07562525664 or
email childcare@lehledston.co.uk
Guided by our Christian values, we endeavour to motivate and inspire everyone to become a lifelong, resilient, enthusiastic learner. We aspire to equip everyone to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, and to reach out to the wider community. We will share the Gospel and give everyone the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their support, guide and friend.
Our school is Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ legacy;
Anything is possible with faith in God.
And Jesus said to him, 'If you can! All things are possible for one who believes' (Mark 9:23)
Everyone, in our caring Christian community inspiring, nurturing and challenging one another to be their best in mind, body and spirit to achieve more than they ever thought possible to thrive today and tomorrow.
John 10:10 ‘That they should have life, life in all its fullness’
Latest Term Dates Events
- Class photos25Mar2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Mothers Day performance28Mar2025
9:00 am - 10:00 am
- Mothers Day performance28Mar2025
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
- Easter Break07Apr2025
- Easter Break08Apr2025